
Operation process of Guangdong belt conveyor

2020-07-02 813

1. The fixed conveyor should be installed on the fixed foundation according to the regular installation method. Before the formal operation of the mobile conveyor, the wheels should be wedged with triangle wood or brake. When there are multiple conveyors working in parallel, there should be one meter channel between machines and between machines and walls.

2. Before using the conveyor, check whether the working parts, belt buckle and bearing device are normal and whether the protective equipment is complete. The tightness of the tape must be adjusted to the right degree before starting.

3. The belt conveyor should be started without load. The material can be fed after the work is normal. Stop feeding before driving.

4. When the rare conveyors run in series, they should start from the unloading end and start in sequence. After all of them work normally, they can be fed.


5. In case of belt deviation during operation, park the vehicle for adjustment, and do not use it too far to avoid wear edge and increase load.

6. The working environment and the temperature of the delivered materials shall not be higher than 50 ℃ and lower than - 10 ℃.

7. Stop pedestrians or passengers on the conveyor belt.

8. Stop feeding before parking, and park only when the belt is fully loaded.

9. The conveyor motor must be well insulated. Do not pull and drag the cable of mobile conveyor. The motor should be grounded reliably.

10. When the belt is slipping, it is forbidden to pull the belt by hand to avoid trouble.

Source: Guangdong belt conveyorhttp://jqlawer.com

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